January 07, 2025 #ChileGlobal #Columns

Rossana Dresdner's column: "The world is looking at Chile with different eyes".

Executive Director of Fundación Imagen de Chile.

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Rossana Dresdner column the world looks at us with different eyes

Chile 2024: a global benchmark in multiple areas

In times of balance, it fills me with pride to think that 2024 not only made Chile a benchmark in areas as diverse as exports and foreign investment, environment, mining, culture, tourism and sports, but also -and coherently with this- reaffirmed our commitment to the values that define the future we are building: sustainability, democracy and diversity.

"The Image of Chile is built by all of us". This concept, basic to the work of the Fundación Imagen de Chile, has translated into milestones that have only been possible thanks to the collaboration between the public, private and citizen sectors. This conviction, built on the basis of mutual understanding and respect, and based on shared objectives, is what has allowed Chile to project a solid and truthful country image, which gives confidence and credibility in the international scenario. This is something that we corroborate daily in our work with institutions in other countries.

In 2024 Chile intervened and was heard in conversations of global relevance, such as climate change, commitment to democracy, gender equality, freedom of the press, fair trade, the role of sports in social development, among others.

We also received numerous global recognitions in areas as varied as human development, gastronomy and sustainability, tourism and the arts, which reflect the country's collective effort to move towards a better quality of life and greater global projection.

Chile's milestones in 2024: tourism, energy and international trade

In the energy field, a hot topic worldwide, we stand out among the main global markets for the use of solar electricity in our energy matrix. This is the result of the joint work of various sectors that have opted to integrate more and more clean energy sources, reaffirming our commitment to the care and future of the planet.

Chile reaffirmed its position as a solid country in international trade and foreign investment, with historic figures in both areas. Likewise, in tourism, we had record numbers of visitors compared to 2023, and even to the pre-pandemic period. At the same time, in 2024 we hosted world-class events where we proved to be a committed and responsible host. 

In this context, it is not so surprising -although equally satisfactory- to know that our country rose 3 points in the ranking of the Nation Brands Index, the most important annual international study of Country Brand Image of its kind. At Fundación Imagen de Chile, we have no doubt that this result is a reflection of this great joint and transversal effort, because, indeed, Chile's image is built by all of us and from all sectors.

For 2025, our challenge is to maintain and deepen these achievements. That is to say, to coordinate more, share more information, ideas, creativity and efforts. To take advantage of every opportunity to continue to show the best of ourselves. In Imagen de Chile we will continue on this path of articulating decisions, actions and dreams, in being coherent and insistent with the values and vision we have as a country. So that the world will continue to look at us with different eyes.


Image of Chile