Chile Global

We are a small country at the end of the world and from our particularities we contribute with innovative views and initiatives for the great challenges facing humanity today. We believe in collaboration as the basis for building the future.

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July 25, 2024 #ChileGlobal

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture highlight publication of Systems Approach for table grape exports to the United States

July 18, 2024 #ChileGlobal

Trade Report: Exports of goods and services reach record high in first half of 2024

June 05, 2024 #ChileDiverse #ChileGlobal #ChileSustainable #ChileColumns

Column : Sustainability, democracy and diversity: what Chile shows the world

June 03, 2024 #ChileGlobal

Ibero-American country brands agree to collaborate for the positioning of the region in the world

May 20, 2024 #ChileGlobal

Sergio Diaz-Granados, CAF Executive President: "Chile serves as an inspiration for the entire region".

May 10, 2024 #ChileGlobal

Chile has increased its preference as a tourist destination in the last 4 years

May 06, 2024 #ChileDiverse #ChileGlobal

On the road to Expo Osaka 2025: authorities presented the proposal for the Chile Pavilion

April 16, 2024 #ChileGlobal

Jaqueline Gil, marketing director at Embratur: "CIMAP is the basis for working together on country branding".

April 15, 2024 #ChileGlobal

Record highs in awareness and favorability: what the Longitudinal Study 2024 revealed

April 09, 2024 #ChileGlobal

Cumulative foreign investment in February increased by 28% annually


Image of Chile