August 04, 2020 #ChileDiverse

Workshop on the Value of the Chilean Brand in the Ñuble region

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The country brand seeks to enhance the pride "Made by Chileans" through the authorization to use the Chile Brand as a seal in the promotion of products or services and thus position the value of Chilean origin and talent in both the domestic and international markets.

For Constanza Cea, Executive Director of the Foundation: "We are very happy to have participated in the online workshop "The Value of the Chile Brand" with ProChile Ñuble. We want to continue adding partners to our beloved branding program, which already has more than 700 licensees, half of which are from the regions. Through their ideas and talent we will build Chile's image", says the executive director of Imagen de Chile, Constanza Cea.
The program already has more than 700 companies, half of which are from the regions, a quality that has been a hallmark of the Chile Brand over the years.

Ingrid Quezada, Director of ProChile Ñuble comments: "For us, Fundación Imagen Chile is a strategic partner that helps us to promote our exportable offer, culture and tourism in international markets. Many of the entrepreneurs were unaware of this licensing and that it is also free, so I invite them to apply, especially for productive sectors such as winemakers who produce bottled wines, fruit exporters, entrepreneurs who produce gourmet products, beekeepers and artisans in the region, so that they can prepare and be ready for economic recovery".


Image of Chile