Chileans are a people who enjoy traditions and customs that are passed from generation to generation, and there is no time like the New Year to put them into practice.
Here we tell you about some of the New Year's cabals that year after year are performed throughout Chile with the purpose of making the coming year prosperous:
- Eat 2 grapes, one for each month, and make a wish when eating each one.
- Eating lentils is believed to help prosperity and abundance.
- Walk around the block with a suitcase for a year full of travels. Another variant of this cabbala for the New Year is to climb on a chair with a suitcase.
- Fill the salt shakers in the house so that abundance is never lacking.
- Place a ring on the champagne glass with which you make the toast to be proposed to.
- Place a garlic in the wallet so that there is no lack of money. This garlic must be changed the following year.
- Place a bill in the shoe to have a year of abundance in economic matters.
- Use yellow underwear to attract good luck. For those looking for love, it is recommended to wear red clothes.
- Let the New Year's embrace be with someone of the opposite sex if you want to find love in this new year.
- Write on a piece of paper all our wishes for the coming year and burn it after midnight.
- Open the windows to let everything bad go away. Wear white clothes to keep diseases away.