October 28, 2022 #Image of Chile

Chile to participate in the Ibero-American Country Brands Forum in Uruguay

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Imagen de Chile, the institution in charge of promoting the country's image abroad, will share their experience of digitally positioning the "Chile Creating Future" campaigns, by making use of stakeholders and their relationship with sector brands.

Montevideo and Punta del Este will be the scene of the9th edition of the Ibero-American Country Brands Forum this October 27 and 28. The annual event brings together country brands and destination brands from Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula.

The meeting will discuss global trends in the branding and positioning of destination brands, and members of the Ibero-American Council of Country Brands (CIMAP) will share their management experiences.

Fundación Imagen de Chile will participate in a panel on the digital positioning of territorial brands, alongside their counterparts from Barcelona and Peru. The panel discussion will also examine collaborative work between a country brand and sector brands.

"The foundation of our Chile Creating Future strategy consists of highlighting the talent of Chilean men and women who are agents of change, and who are contributing from various disciplines and fields of action to a better future, not only for Chile, but for the entire planet. Working with our strategic partners, both from the public and private sphere, is fundamental to telling the stories of these Chileans who are inspiring the world. Therefore, we are looking to amplify their message abroad," stated Daniela Montiel, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Imagen de Chile.

The event will feature international speakers. José Torres, representing Bloom Consulting, will explain how investment in the promotion of a country brand can increase the GDP of destinations, while José María Cubillo, from Spain's MESIAS Institute, will talk about how commercial brands (Made in) contribute to a country brand.

The Ibero-American Council of Country Brands is currently made up of 17 members: Andorra, Argentina, Barcelona, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay.


Image of Chile