Chilean scientists, academics, activists and authorities will attend the United Nations climate summit.
The Chile Pavilion was inaugurated today in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, as part of the 27th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27). Chile's Foreign Affairs Ministry will be in charge of the space in which around 50 events will be held to discuss climate change.
"To have our own pavilion is undoubtedly a tremendous opportunity to show Chile's commitment to climate change mitigation and adaptation. In this sense, our country is strongly promoting an agenda that includes both the protection of the land and marine environment, which we have called our Turquoise Foreign Policy," stated Foreign Affairs Minister Antonia Urrejola.
The minister highlighted the importance of international collaboration to tackle the climate crisis. "No single country can solve the problem of climate change. For this reason, promoting events that allow us to share experiences and initiatives is very important to develop effective solutions that address the triple crisis: climate, biodiversity loss and global pollution," she explained.
Chilean scientists, academics, activists and authorities will attend the United Nations climate summit. The events to be held in the Chile Pavilion will deal with many important issues regarding climate change. They will have an intersectoral character and address topics such as green hydrogen, adaptation, financing, oceans, energy transition, forests, gender, environmental education and marine protected areas.
Environment Minister Maisa Rojas, Energy Minister Diego Pardow, Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Minister Silvia Díaz, and Transport and Telecommunications Minister Juan Carlos Muñoz will all attend this global event.