February 11, 2021 #ChileDiverse #Science and Knowledge.

Chile's campaign against the pandemic

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A week has just passed since the mass vaccination process began in Chile and as of today, Thursday, February 11, 1,394,363 people have already been inoculated in the country, most of whom are senior citizens.

Chile has been highlighted internationally as the third country that has administered more vaccine doses per 100 inhabitants in the world, only surpassed by the United Arab Emirates and Israel by Our World in Data(https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations).

According to Oxford University's Ourworldindata.org daily database of COVID-19 vaccinations worldwide, as of February 10, Chile had administered 5.6 doses of vaccine per 100 people. Outperforming countries such as China, Germany, France, Spain and many others in vaccinating its population.

"Chile's vaccination campaign is impressive!" tweeted Oxford University researcher and founder of Ourworldindata.org, Max Roser and added a graph showing that, if we only measure the percentage of vaccinations per population over the last week, Chile ranks first in the world, followed by the United States.

Chile could be the first emerging country in the world to achieve collective immunity

A recent report by JP Morgan highlighted that Chile could be the first emerging country in the world to achieve collective immunity against covid-19 as of the second quarter of 2021. This is due, according to the study, to an efficient vaccination process and to the contracts signed by the country with different laboratories to ensure the necessary doses for the population. To achieve this, Chile began working collaboratively last May to ensure an adequate amount of safe and effective vaccines. The role of the Ministries of Health, Foreign Affairs and Science has been fundamental since it has not only required great efforts to purchase vaccines and ensure the supply, but also efforts in logistics, organization, methods, resources, distribution, among others.

On Wednesday, February 3, the vaccination process began, inoculating people 90 years of age and older. In Chile, it was decided by consensus to start with the most fragile groups of our society, the elderly, who have been vital and fundamental in the construction of our country. Therefore, they are the first to be vaccinated. Then we will continue with all the elderly, people who perform essential and critical functions, among others.

To know the vaccination schedule in Chile, click here: http://https://www.minsal.cl/calendario-de-vacunacion-masiva-contra-covid-19/

For more information about the vaccination process in Chile and its figures, click here: gob.cl/yomevacuno/


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Image of Chile