May 13, 2024 #ChileDiverse

What Chilean Cuisine Month had to offer: a celebration of flavors and traditions

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April was celebrated as Chilean Cuisine Month, an event that seeks to highlight the cultural and gastronomic value that Chile brings to the world through the diversity of its techniques and flavors, which has been presented to the world by renowned Chilean chefs. We invite you to get to know this traditional and innovative, bold and diverse Chilean cuisine.

16 regions: thousands of flavors

With influences from indigenous, European and different corners of Latin America and other continents, Chile's territories offer unique dishes, which have captivated palates around the world, based on the great variety of ingredients found throughout the territory and the equally long Pacific coast.

Among the preparations that have gained international renown are:

- Empanada: a simple golden and crunchy dough that wraps a juicy filling of meat, chicken, seafood or vegetables, and is the star of national holiday celebrations. 

- Pastel de Choclo: Combination of tender corn, ground beef, onion, egg and olives, baked to obtain a golden and tempting topping, this pie is another must of Chilean cuisine.

- The Curanto: Originally from Chiloé, in southern Chile, this preparation brings together seafood, meats, potatoes, corn and chapaleles, all simmered underground in a hole covered with nalca leaves. An unmissable protagonist of dozens of traditional festivals. 

- The "sandwiches" or "sanguches": with names that pay homage to former presidents, brother countries and other products of local creativity, this true Chilean specialty that surprises those who visit us is infinitely varied because its offer is constantly growing. Although it is difficult to choose one, we leave you seven preparations that will make your mouth water.

Gastronomic awards around the world

From chefs who stand out for their restaurants in the coveted list of the 50 best restaurants in the world (The World's 50 Best Restaurants), to chefs from other countries who seek to promote Chilean products and traditions, the value of our cuisine has crossed borders, gaining recognition in prestigious rankings and international competitions.

In 2024 alone, (and just like last year) the Chilean completo was ranked as one of the best hot dogs in the world, tying with its Brazilian and American counterparts, and only surpassed by the Argentine choripán. 

This is also the case for restaurants. In 2023, the "Zanzibar" was awarded for having the best terrace in Latin America, thanks to the prestigious World Culinary Awards competition.

Zanzibar, located in the BordeRío gastronomic space in Vitacura, in the Metropolitan Region, is famous for incorporating the spice routes in Chile through its exotic dishes from the Orient, Africa and the Mediterranean region.

To enjoy more traditional and delicious preparations of our country we invite you to see our Chilean recipes section here.


Image of Chile