November 25, 2021 #ChileGlobal

One year after its launch, Chile Creating Future has been viewed by 130 million people around the world

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One year after the launch of the new country image strategy, Chile Creating Future, 130 million people around the world have learned about this new story, with which Imagen de Chile seeks to position the country abroad, based on the talent and vision of Chileans.

"After 12 years of existence, from Imagen de Chile together with sectors that build country image, we saw the need to update how Chile was communicating to the world, and refocus the strategy, based on what the country is and what the world is looking for, to connect and tune in. We wanted to reflect all this in a powerful country image strategy, which we worked on together with many actors. That is how last year we came up with the Chile Creating Future strategy. The world already knows us for our extraordinary nature, and it was time to move towards an experience focused on the creativity and talent of our people, what we are capable of achieving, and what the world is already valuing," said the executive director of Imagen de Chile, Constanza Cea.

In the creation of this strategy, other actors related to the world of culture, science, exports, tourism and investment were integrated, with the objective of increasing the preference for Chile abroad. Since its launch, the strategy has sought to showcase different aspects of Chilean talent. On the one hand, entrepreneurship and innovation, while for Women's Day "Chilenas creando futuro" (Chileans creating the future) was released, a series of three micro-documentaries made by Chilean women directors showing other talented Chilean women from different fields. The "Red de Chilenos creando futuro" (Network of Chileans creating the future) was also launched, which shows the talent of 23 Chileans who are world leaders in the areas of business and exports; life and culture; science and knowledge; innovation and entrepreneurship; and tourism and sports.

"We are a young country, connected to the world, that is creating the future. Future is not only technology; it is connection with nature and healthy living, it is generating the energy of the future, it is protecting the environment, it is obtaining answers from the main window to the universe, it is collaboration. All this translates into opportunities to improve the quality of life of all the inhabitants of our country," added Constanza Cea.

The strategy is already bearing fruit. One year after its implementation, the Chile Creating Future campaign has reached 126 million people, mainly from the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain and Brazil. This has translated into 1.5 million visits to the website.

Not only that, the strategy has already received important international awards. In November Imagen de Chile won the "Best Use of Data" award at the City Nation Place Awards 2021, the most important forum for country brands, which annually brings together representatives from different parts of the world in London, England. This important award was added to two other recognitions received in October at the ART&TUR International Festival, held in the city of Aveiro, Portugal, where the "Chile Creating Future" campaign received first place in the "Originality" and "Advertising Campaigns" categories.

The strategy was teamed with the McCann Erickson agency, and the strategy launch campaign was teamed with the Redon agency.



Image of Chile