June 04, 2020 #ChileDiverse

58% associate quality with Chilean products

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How much is Chile known abroad? What are the products, attributes and strengths that stand out about Chile? Wine (52%) and fruit (37%) were the most internationally recognized Chilean products, according to a study carried out by Imagen de Chile in 12 cities around the world. They are followed by copper (25%) and fish and seafood (23%).

The fieldwork, conducted by the international consulting firm Ipsos, was carried out in April in the following cities: Sao Paulo, New York, Washington, Ontario, Madrid, London, Paris, Berlin, Dubai, New Delhi, Shanghai and Tokyo, with a total sample of 1,200 people (100 from each city). An innovative methodology was used to identify trends dynamically and over longer periods of time.
In addition, questions were asked about the attributes associated with Chilean products. Among the most valuable results of this study is that 58% of foreign respondents think that what comes from our country is of "good quality". In all the cities surveyed, except in Paris and Madrid, quality is the most mentioned attribute.
"Being associated with quality is great news for Chile and for the brand that we position in the world. It means that what comes from Chile is recognized. As guardians of the Chile Brand we have been very focused on continuing to give value to our brand abroad, so that the world prefers what comes from our country and thus contribute to the progress and economic reactivation of Chile", says Constanza Cea, executive director of Imagen de Chile.

After quality, "low prices" (31%) stand out as an attribute associated with Chilean products. This is followed by "handcrafted products" (25%), "diversity" (19%) and "sustainability" (17%).
This study is part of a series of monthly measurements to be carried out by the public-private institution in charge of promoting our country and its reputation abroad. The idea is to measure Chile's perceptions, strengths and attributes in different international markets. "We chose this methodology because it makes our work more measurable in the area of country brands. The most innovative aspect of this type of studies, called 'longitudinal', is that they allow us to identify trends dynamically, react more quickly and establish indicators that allow us to measure long-term results," says Constanza Cea.

During this year, Imagen de Chile will continue to conduct these studies in various international markets in order to know the perceptions that the world has of Chile in various areas and angles relevant to the country's image, such as tourism, investment and trade, among other topics.


Image of Chile