March 21, 2021 #ChileGlobal

Samuel Iglesias, Arousan in Chile: "Here you only have to go to a center and identify yourself".

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Samuel Iglesias was born 29 years ago in Vilagarcía de Arousa. An engineer by profession, he has been living in Santiago de Chile for the last four years, where he works as a hydrogeologist for an environmental consultancy firm that works mainly for mining companies.

This week he was able to be vaccinated with the Chinese formula Sinovac and his opinion on the way in which the Andean country is approaching this process could hardly be more positive: "Everything is being super-organized and unlike what is done in Spain, where from what I have read they call you, here you only have to go to a center with your identity card and a medical certificate stating that you suffer from a disease or a certificate indicating your profession".

Samuel reports that the first Pfizer doses were inoculated to front-line healthcare personnel during the month of December. Mass vaccination began on February 3, with the arrival of the Sinovac doses from China. "From then on, it was planned by age ranges, starting with those over 90 years of age, both healthy people and those with basic diseases, until they reached the age of 60, approximately two weeks ago", explains the Arousano engineer. In this last period, the Chilean system is inoculating the population suffering from basic diseases, whose ages range from 16 to 59 years old. "Since I was diagnosed with a small congenital heart disease a year ago, it was my turn now," he adds.

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