June 22, 2018 #ChileDiverse

Commonly Used Words with Indigenous Roots

The roots of Chilean culture lie in a mixture of the diverse indigenous groups that inhabited our territory and the customs and characteristics brought from Spain.

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Although over time we have created our own traditions, rites and idiosyncrasy, there are many elements of those native peoples that are still part of our daily life; words or sayings that we use every day and of which we do not know their origin.

Here is a list of those words that have been part of our vocabulary for centuries.

Andes: From Aymara antis; place that is to the east.
Apañar: Aymara apaña; to carry. It is a verb that serves for all things, if it is not for living things that by carrying them walk on their feet.
Guagua: From Aymara wawa; baby or small child.
Maña: To eat with uneasiness, as when in a hurry or mohína.
Paya: Two in Aymara. In Chile it is used as "improvised verse" and as two people usually competed, the term was adopted.

Anticucho: Pieces of meat cut and seasoned.
Cancha: From Quechua kancha; space of wide land / roasted corn.
Carpa: It comes from Quechua karpa that means big awning that covers a circus or any other wide enclosure.
Chaucha: Coin of little value.
Chúcaro: Said of cattle, which have not become accustomed to the presence of human beings and are in a wild state.
Chupalla: Straw hat
Cocaví: From Quechua quqawi; cold meat, provision of food for travel.
Concho: qhunchu; sediment of some liquid.
Cototo: swelling after a blow.
Guácala: Refers to the expression of disgust or repugnance towards something or someone.
Nanay: Pain, expression to calm pain.
Tayta: Dad.

Cahuín: Means meeting of people to drink and get drunk; commentary, boche.
Charquicán: Stew with charqui. Jumble
Guata: belly, belly
Pichintún: reference to something small or diminished
Pilcha: set of the countryman's clothes, especially the recado, poncho, chiripa.
Pilucho: naked
Yapa: what is given without obligation, that is given as a present


Image of Chile