August 25, 2021 #ChileGlobal

Image of Chile Study in Dubai: 49% perceive that Chile is promoting the development of science and technology

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A study prepared by Imagen de Chile measured internationally how investment, technological development, innovation and sustainability issues are perceived in Chile. Among the 12 cities surveyed, Dubai is among those that most value innovation and entrepreneurship in the workplace.

Although in the past our country has been highlighted as an attractive tourist destination due to its geography, landscapes and diversity, in recent times more and more people are linking us with development and innovation.

According to a study carried out by Imagen de Chile in the city of Dubai, 49% of those surveyed believe that Chile boosts the development of science and technology.

"Part of our work at Imagen de Chile is to evaluate how we are seen from the rest of the world, to know what image we are projecting and work around it. And after a definition of priority markets, we included Dubai for the first time as a market to study, because of its great potential," said the executive director of Imagen de Chile, Constanza Cea.

The results of the study come on the eve of the inauguration of Expo Dubai 2020, an international fair that will receive millions of visitors starting in October, and the first of its kind post-pandemic. "There is no doubt that these results are a very useful tool on the one hand to guide the strategy with which Expo Dubai will be approached, what are the main challenges, what they know and what they value. On the other hand, they will be a contribution when it comes to evaluating the results and where Chile was able to contribute to improving the level of knowledge and positioning of Chile in Dubai and in what areas", added Constanza Cea.

Among the elements measured by the study, the following stand out: the power of entrepreneurship (47%), investment in innovation (44%) and commitment to sustainability (40%). Similarly, the study showed that 74% believe that sustainability influences the favorable perception of a country a great deal or a lot, and only 6% believe that it does not.

"Chile's participation in Expo Dubai 2020 is an opportunity to continue showing everything our country is doing in innovation, sustainability, entrepreneurship and, above all, how Chile is creating the future today, which is the focus of the work we are doing at Imagen de Chile," he added.

Business and investment

In recent times, Dubai's growth has led to the creation of new jobs, the exploration of foreign markets and the creation of new businesses.

In this regard, the study showed that 46% of those surveyed consider Chile to be an attractive country for investment and business, while 69% believe that businessmen in their city would be interested in hiring the services of Chilean professionals.

"We interpret these results positively, especially considering that today Dubai is a growing economy and is showing a high interest in Latin American markets, both for investment and for the acquisition of innovative products and services. The fact that today 46% of those surveyed consider Chile to be an attractive country for investment and business, while 69% believe that businessmen in their city would be interested in hiring the services of Chilean professionals, is data that reflects the potential that exists today in this market", said Constanza Cea.

"The study shows us that interest in entrepreneurship and innovation in the labor field is much higher than in other cities we analyzed, and these are precisely two areas that we want to promote at Expo Dubai. Thus, there is an opportunity to make known what our country has to offer, to attract new investments that will generate greater opportunities for Chilean men and women through the businesses that can be set up there," he added.

Cultural offerings and their potential attractiveness in the Middle East

Another area measured by the study was the knowledge of and interest in the cultural offerings of different South American countries, including Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Chile. According to the results, 18% say they know a lot about the cultural offerings of our country, and 45% know a little.

"The important thing here is to see these results as an opportunity, since, although Dubai's knowledge of our cultural offerings is rather limited, 77% say they are very interested in learning more about Chile, the highest percentage compared to the other South American countries considered, which opens up options when it comes to encouraging tourism in the region," said Constanza Cea.

Among the cultural attractions with which we are most associated are architecture (25%), handicrafts (23%) and gastronomy (20%), while in terms of heritage attractions, natural heritage (37%), intangible heritage (25%) and indigenous cultural heritage (23%) stand out.


Image of Chile