March 08, 2024 #ChileDiverse #Columns

Column : Chile, a country of powerful women

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Column by Rossana Dresdner, Executive Director of Imagen de Chile

From Fundación Imagen de Chile we wanted to explore how the women of our country, from different fields, are a mobilizing force that promotes a diverse, valuable and ambitious Chile.

Gender equity is one of the main global challenges that we as a country and society still have pending issues. The recent World Bank study found that women have about two-thirds of the rights of men and that nowhere in the world are there equal rights.

Faced with this global panorama, the challenge from Chile, where the world begins, is accompanied by figures that give us hope. Not exempt from challenges, today we are leaders in gender equity in the region. We are the Latin American country with the highest participation of women in ministerial cabinets - 54% -, we occupy 20% of managerial positions, and, as an example, we have doubled female participation in large-scale mining in the last 10 years, one of our key industries.

And what characterizes and differentiates Chilean women? From Fundación Imagen de Chile we wanted to explore how the women of our country, from different fields, are a mobilizing force that promotes a diverse, valuable and ambitious Chile. "Chile, country of women" shows us that it is the identity of Chilean women, strong, resilient, innovative and empowered, which also permeates the identity of our country.

They are eight stories, eight women, with simple but extraordinary and powerful lives, who with their actions, essence and way of being contribute to a diverse and modern country that makes us proud, and that reflects that there are millions like them throughout the country. They are inspiring stories, an example that women can do it and that we are brave and powerful.

Teolinda Higueras, one of the protagonists of the Chile: Country of Women campaign

Danisa Urrutia, from Potrerillos, has become a benchmark for inclusion in the mining industry. Today she is the plant manager at Añañucas, the first mining site in Chile to be operated exclusively by female personnel. Teolinda Higueras is the creator of the "Bibliolancha", a floating library that navigates the waters of Chiloé. Sofía Waikil is a Mapuche woman from Osorno, who through social networks seeks to vindicate Mapuche culture in today's society, especially among young people. Or Ayline Rojas, one of the youngest women in the Youth Orchestra of La Pintana, who seeks to be an example for girls to dare to do what they dream.

Although there is still a long way to go in terms of gender equity -the gap is global and is a constant challenge-, Chilean women inspire, and as Teolinda Higueras says, from Chiloé, we are the pride of Chile, let's move forward, let's keep dreaming, let's keep changing this country.

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