July 28, 2021 #ChileGlobal

What do Chile and Copenhagen have in common? Find out in this podcast

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The executive director of Imagen de Chile and the director of Copenhagen Capacity spoke on the Place2Place podcast, organized by City Nation Place, about innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability, as part of its international positioning strategy.

The executive director of Imagen de Chile, Constanza Cea, participated in a new chapter of Place2Place, a podcast conversation in which different key players in country and city positioning programs meet and discuss their experiences in promoting and executing their strategies.

On this occasion, the executive director of Imagen de Chile referred to the "Chile Creating Future" campaign, whose objective is to redefine how Chile presents itself to the world, becoming recognized not only for its nature and geography, but also for the innovation, diversity and talent of its people.

"Last year we launched this campaign that seeks to show Chile beyond its geographical attractiveness, showing our people and their talent. Likewise, we have programs such as the Use of Marca Chile, which currently has more than 900 companies, and which are distributed among all the country's cities," said Cea. He also referred to Chile's efforts to promote entrepreneurship and thus attract investment. All this through initiatives such as Startup Chile, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2020.

During the event, which functions as a chain of interviews, Asbjørn Overgaard Christiansen, CEO of Copenhagen Capacity, was the interviewer, who highlighted the similarities between the strategies of Chile and the Danish capital. "Recently in Copenhagen we launched our new positioning strategy, focused on sustainability, where one of the main arguments is the quality of life that this element offers," said Overgaard.

"We have many similarities with Chile in these areas, where quality of life and innovation are core values in our strategy. It is very interesting to see how we both share these elements," he said.

The Place2Place podcast is part of the City Nation Place content platform, which provides a space for cities and countries to collaborate and share best practices and strategies on place branding to generate sustainable tourism, economic development, build cohesive communities and foster global cooperation.


Image of Chile