February 24, 2021 #ChileGlobal

Chile consolidates its leadership in Latin America with more than three million vaccinations

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According to Oxford University records, Chile ranks fifth in the world in administering more Covid-19 vaccines per 100 inhabitants.

On Tuesday, Chile surpassed three million people vaccinated against Covid-19 since the mass immunization campaign began on February 3, reaching 70% of the target population over 65 years of age and more than 16% of the total population with a first dose.

"This should fill us with pride," emphasized the Chilean Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, who described this as "a feat" and thanked "the Primary Health Care, the mayors and the capacity of the State" to be able to carry it out.

To continue reading this article click here: https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/mundo/chile-supera-los-3-millones-de-vacunados-contra-covid-19-el-16-de-su-poblacion



Image of Chile