February 25, 2021 #ChileGlobal

How Chile vaccinated 16% of its population in just 21 days

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The Chilean immunization campaign, which has reached more than three million people, is ahead of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Spain.

Chile began vaccinating against covid-19 on February 3 and on Tuesday, less than 21 days later, more than three million people have already received at least one dose, equivalent to 16% of the country's population of 19 million inhabitants. The percentage not only far exceeds its larger neighbors, such as Argentina (1.65%), Brazil (3.43%) and Mexico (1.4%), but is also above countries such as Spain (9.59%) and very close to the United States (19.44%). The amount of vaccines available and the speed of the operation, with at least 1,300 centers in the territory, has the South American country as a regional and world example.

To continue reading this article click here: https://elpais.com/sociedad/2021-02-24/como-hizo-chile-para-vacunar-a-mas-de-tres-millones-de-personas-en-21-dias.html



Image of Chile