April 06, 2022 #ChileDiverse #SustainableChile

From Ovalle to the world: A stop in the desert is the protagonist of the new international campaign of Imagen de Chile

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This new campaign is part of the country image strategy, Chile Creating Future, which seeks to transform the way Chile is projected to the world, positioning the country through talent, and Chileans as agents of change.

"Natalia and Nicolás are creating a fertile future for the desert. And if Natalia and Nicolás create a future, Chile creates a future". This is one of the powerful phrases of the new campaign with which Imagen de Chile seeks to position our country abroad, through a series of 6 new audiovisual pieces of the campaign "Chile Creating Future", and where one of the stories is starred by Natalia and Nicolás, founders of Un alto en el desierto, the first network of water harvesters and recyclers in Chile. From Ovalle to the world.

"To go from being perceived as the country of geographic beauty to the country of talent, deployed throughout our territory. That is the objective of the new stage of the Chile Creando Futuro campaign, which incorporates the stories of Chilean men and women throughout the country, unknown innovators and above all, with purpose, who connect with global challenges and propose solutions. Associating the Chile brand with citizen talent, focused on contributing socially, creating the future from all corners, said Constanza Cea, executive director of Imagen de Chile. "If every Chilean is creating the future, then so is Chile. They are the ones who represent the image we want to project of the country," she added.

A solution to the water crisis in the desert; transforming urban spaces into green areas; combining recycling and agriculture; encouraging construction with recyclable materials; protecting endangered species from road accidents; and encouraging electro-mobility are the topics addressed by the 6 capsules of this new stage of the campaign, cases that this time have their origin in the regions.

To select the cases that make up the pieces, G-100, Fundación Kodea and Camiseteados, organizations that seek to promote entrepreneurship throughout the country, and focusing on those that are currently generating solutions to different problems, were invited to participate.

"The future of Chile is built by its citizens. We are a resilient country that rises up, when we commit ourselves to the common good we are capable of crossing mountains and oceans for our community. This campaign portrays an innate characteristic of Chileans, which is that we see a problem and we become part of the solutions. Chileans who create the future put on Chile's T-shirt and inspire us all to be better with their strength and energy," says Karen Rauch, director of Fundación Camiseteados.

Capturing the desert fog

Located in Ovalle, Coquimbo region, "A stop in the desert" is the first network of water harvesters and recyclers in Chile, which through 28 fog catchers located in the Cerro Grande Ecological Reserve, manages to harvest an average of 1,537 liters of water per day, equivalent to almost 600,000 liters per year, representing one of the best results of fog harvesting in the Southern Cone.

"It is very important to show the situation we are in: the critical situation of climate change, water scarcity, water injustice, and how we can generate solutions from ourselves, concrete, real solutions that allow us to generate liters of water and to face this situation," says Natalia Rebolledo, executive director of Un Alto en el Desierto.

"We feel honored to be part of this campaign, and it is super relevant because it allows other people to see that this is something that can be done, that it is simple within the complex solutions that are named, and that all people can replicate this in their homes, schools, communities, and at the same time, feel called to change", he adds.

Today, this non-profit organization seeks to support individuals, institutions and communities to develop strategies to adapt to the increasingly evident water crisis in our country, through environmental education, innovation and the development of low-budget water solutions adapted to the territories in general and to individuals and their organizations in particular.

An example of this is the collaborative work they have done with the school La Araucana, in the town of Huallillinga, where together they have developed gray water and rainwater collection systems, allowing them to create vegetable gardens and raise awareness among students.

An international campaign

With 6 audiovisual pieces set to music by the national author based in Spain, Diego Lorenzini, this new part of the Chile Creating Future campaign seeks to continue conquering the world by the hand of innovators. Since its launch in 2020, Chile Creating Future has already reached more than 165 million people.

The new audiovisual pieces will be disseminated from today and over the next few months to the international public in 3 languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese), in the markets of New York, London, Madrid and Sao Paulo through digital platforms.

This new campaign, which in addition to multimedia capsules integrates a landing page that delves into the stories of each of these Chilean men and women, seeks to inspire from talent, sustainability, innovation and investment, focusing on the experiences of unknown Chileans who today are creating the future.

Check out all the stories on our website: marcachile.cl.



Image of Chile