March 30, 2021 #ChileDiverse

We love Chile and its cinema so much

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The Oscar nomination of the Chilean documentary 'El agente topo' (available on Netflix) gives us the perfect excuse to review the recent cinematography of the neighboring country, which enjoys an enviable health.

Rather than renewing the desire to regain sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean, the commemoration of March 23, the Day of the Sea, is often infallible in stoking anti-Chilean sentiment in Bolivia. At least during the days immediately preceding and following the anniversary of the Battle of Calama in the War of the Pacific, the chauvinistic pomps achieve what politicians in this country are incapable of doing: uniting Bolivians around a single sentiment.

It is a pity that this feeling is hatred, hatred of our trans-Andean neighbors, whom we blame for (almost) all our misfortunes. That is why it seems so appropriate to dedicate this space to the admiration and affection that many Bolivians have for Chileans, particularly for their culture. Not for nothing is it said that the best antidote to hatred is culture. So here we go.

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Image of Chile