September 24, 2020 #Business & Exports #testcat

Imagen de Chile participated in the #ChileHubdeInversión forum of Corfo and Start-Up Chile

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Corfo and Start-Up Chile held a virtual event titled #ChileHubdeInversión to talk about the venture capital ecosystem and efforts to boost our country as an investment hub in Latin America.

The event featured a diverse panel, from the testimony of Matías Muchnick of NotCo to the main players in venture capital in Chile, including the presentation of the executive director of Imagen de Chile, Constanza Cea.

In the virtual meeting, which had more than 1,000 people connected at the same time, Constanza Cea referred to the work that the institution does to promote Chilean talent and entrepreneurship abroad and the challenge of positioning our country as an investment hub in the region.

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Image of Chile