Both organizations work to improve social inclusion and the quality of life of people with disabilities, by providing functional and personalized prosthetics manufactured using 3D printers.
Santiago, Thursday, October 13, 2022-. As part of its touch down in Chile, Peruvian start-up Pixed Corp has announced that it will form an alliance with Fundación Prótesis 3D. Their goal is to improve social inclusion and the quality of life of people with disabilities, by providing functional and personalized prosthetics manufactured using 3D printers.
The alliance aims to revolutionize the prosthetics market in Chile and prepare the ground for its expansion into the rest of Latin America. They will develop different upper extremity solutions alongside social actions, such as job reintegration programs for people with disabilities and training workshops for prison inmates.
"This alliance will allow us to develop more innovative solutions and make technologies available to people in our country; but, above all, it will allow us to collaborate in continuing to create a more inclusive future for Latin America," stated the founder of Prótesis 3D, Daniela Retamales.
Daniela is also part of the "Future Creators Network" endorsed by Imagen de Chile. The network is made up of 23 leaders from the world of culture, science, business, tourism and sports, who seek to promote Chile's country image through the stories of Chileans who are challenging paradigms and contributing to the construction of a better world.
Pixed Corp have been optimistic about their arrival in Chile alongside Prótesis 3D. "For Pixed, this is the first step in our international expansion strategy and an extension of the impact that we are looking to generate in society. We are very happy to start here alongside such a great ally as Fundación Prótesis 3D," stated Ricardo Rodríguez, CEO of Pixed Corp.
Both companies will be under the tutelage of the US incubator NESst, an accelerator that supports social enterprises in their different stages of development. NESst currently operates in ten countries around the world.
"We are very happy about the steps that Pixed has taken to start growing outside of Peru, in alliance with Fundación Prótesis 3D, and therefore to bring its technological development, solutions and affordable prostheses to positively impact the lives of many children in Chile. As an impact investor, this is the kind of result we are looking for at NESst when we select and support social enterprises like Pixed through our acceleration and investment program," stated NESst's program director in Chile, Gonzalo San Martín.