March 31, 2021 #ChileGlobal #Business and Exports.

Democratizing technology and Chile as a hub for foreign investment in technology

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"What it's all about is bringing technology closer to people, that makes better cities, better countries, and it also implies more education and preparing us for the jobs of the future. That's where we have a challenge." Soledad Matos, the new General Manager of Oracle Chile - Oracle, the North American multinational computer technology corporation - talks about the challenges that could become a contribution to the country's economy and Chilean society.

We invite you to review an excerpt of the Invest Chile's article below.

"There are few women today in positions like this in general, the challenge is great, we have a lot to do as a society; but, on the other hand, today there is more awareness than at other times about the importance of gender equity and also I have been lucky enough to join a company where there is a lot of diversity," says Soledad when asked about the scarce female presence in technology companies.

"We talk about democratize technology because we are going to be able to reach more users with this new region based in Chile, of different sizes and at a time that seems to us to be extremely relevant. The pandemic is still an uncertainty, and so we want to provide tools that allow customers to expand or retract in case they need it, to have that availability to grow very fast, but also to go back in case it is required, and at more affordable prices."

And about our country as a technology hub, he states that:

"Chile is attracting a real hub of foreign investment in technology and that of foreign investment in technology and that is clearly going to be a win-win for the country. Now we have to grow in terms of innovation, there are still great challenges. But all this technology that arrives, leverages that growth, leverages that more sectors can develop. We are very happy that foreign companies want to invest in the country. This is going to boost the country's economic recovery.

Source interview: Diario Financiero

Check here some indexes that position Chile as a country open and connected to the future of the world:

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Image of Chile