Chile's efforts to lead in these fundamental development issues have been demonstrated by The Longitudinal Study 2023, conducted by Fundación Imagen de Chile and Ipsos. Likewise, the quality of its exports, mainly known for its wine and fruit, is well perceived by the country's priority markets.
The latest Longitudinal Study 2023, conducted by Fundación Imagen de Chile and Ipsos, showed an improved perception of Chile and the region in the 12 priority markets analyzed: Sao Paulo, Toronto, New York, Washington, London, Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Shanghai, Tokyo, New Delhi and Dubai.
Although all the countries analyzed showed improvements regarding their perception, Chile stands out in terms of innovation and scientific development. These axes have, in recent years, marked the development line promoted by the country, and are where some investments have been focused in recent years.
Chile stands out in the perception of "Scientific and astronomical development", with 46% choosing the country compared to Latin America, the highest percentage among the countries measured. It also leads, with 43%, in the "Development of sustainability and environmental protection".
"Chile's commitment to promoting innovation, science, sustainability and environmental protection translates into a country that looks to the future and seeks to be at the forefront of technological advances and climate urgency. The study confirms that we have great potential to be recognized for these aspects and must continue to develop this positioning," says Rossana Dresdner, executive director of the Fundación Imagen de Chile.
Since 2020, both familiarity and favorability have progressively increased for Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Colombia. With regards to its favorability, our country recorded its highest growth between 2020 and 2023, from 43% to 51%.
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The quality of Chilean products is internationally recognized, with results that reflect the work the country has been doing for decades. In the perception of "Quality of its export products", Chile stands out with 47%, above the other countries in the region. This is followed by Argentina with 42% and Brazil with 34%. Along these lines, the attributes with which Chilean products are most identified internationally are "good quality" and "diverse", both characteristics that have shown an increase in their positive valuation in recent years.
The most recognized products of Chilean origin are wine, with 47%, followed by fruit (38%) and fish and seafood (30%).
Regarding the characteristics they value most, they highlight its "attractive nature"; "attractive tourist destination"; "art, culture and heritage"; "reliability" and "safety". It is worth noting that "corruption" and "income inequality" showed a decrease with respect to 2020, i.e., an improvement in their perception. Another characteristic that positions Chile and Argentina as leaders in the region, is Democratic stability.